The Best Stay at Home Mom Schedule To Help Keep You Sane (2024)

Daily schedule for stay at home mom
Are you looking for a stay-at-home mom schedule to help bring some structure to your days?
I was too.
I was honestly starting to lose it, and my mom told me I needed to get on a schedule or I was going to continue drowning.
And she was right.
You see, I’m a stay-at-home mom, but I also work. This blog you’re reading right now is my job.
The ads displayed in this article are making me money as you’re reading it. Pretty cool, huh?
I didn’t write this article today, yet it’s making me money. That’s why blogging, for me, is one of the best stay-at-home-mom jobs out there.
You can see how I make money blogging here.
But even if you don’t work, this schedule will work for you.
It’s even better for you if you don’t work because the time I’m working can be when you’re getting some much-needed “me time”!
I built a schedule that not only helped create a routine for my kids, but it saved ME, gave me a sense of order and calm, and it’s simple.
I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for the last 4 years, and it’s a constant balance; it can be a bit monotonous IF you allow it to.
I LOVVVEE spending time with my kids, but I just needed something for me, and quite frankly, I needed to find a way to make money from home to help contribute to our family, and while searching, I stumbled upon blogging.
I encourage you, whether it’s finding a stay-at-home mom job or just a hobby, to find it.
Related article: 30+ Stay at home mom hobbies MOMS are doing today
I urge you.
It’s so important to continue challenging ourselves mentally and have something that’s “ours.”
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Even your relationship with the kids will be better structured because your world won’t be limited to ONLY what they’re doing.
As the kids say, get a life (just joking, but seriously find something for you).
Everyone’s schedule may be a little different, and every day may not be the same, but this is a good general schedule that can help you create some structure for your days.
I have a 2-year-old boy, a 4-year-old girl, and a 6-year-old boy. How many kids do you have? (let me know in the comment section below).
I’ve had some additional questions that I answer below, so be sure to read them.
This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through a link.
Here is my Daily Stay at Home Mom Schedule and Work at home Mom Schedule
You can download the printable version here.
7:00 – 7:30 AM
- My morning routine: Wake up, Pray, Hygiene, and Get dressed.
7:30 – 8:00 AM
- (During School) Get my son ready for school; my husband drops him off.
- When the little ones wake up, I let them watch their tablets or watch television while helping my son get ready for school
- Wash up the little ones
- Start on breakfast for the little ones (cereal, grits, fruit, or waffle)
8:00 – 9:30 AM
- Breakfast
- Unstructured play time (barbie, legos, drums, etc.)
- I read my bible and drink my coffee
- Laundry/Cleaning
9:30 – 10:00 AM
- Learning activity- We use the Reading Eggs App lesson plans (My kids have both learned to read by 4 from this app)
10:00 – 12:00 PM
- Snack time (Fruit snacks, fruit, Skinny pop, etc.)
- Play outside, independent play, quiet time, library, park, run errands, free play or clean
- I answer emails when appropriate
12:00 – 2:00 PM
- Nap time for my son (2 hours)
- Lunchtime for my daughter and I
- I may do some work during this time and let my daughter watch a movie, play with her barbie dolls with my older sister on Facetime (it takes a village), or play on her tablet
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
- Pick my son up from school and wind down
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Clean & start on dinner (It’s been SUPER easy since we’ve been using this meal subscription plan)
- Give kids a snack
- Unstructured playtime (play outside, legos, tv time, park, etc.)
- I may catch up on some more work during this time
5:00 – 7:00 PM
- Eat dinner
- Family time
- Have everyone chip in and clean up, play a game together, watch a movie, etc.
7:00 – 8:00 PM
- Bath time, reading time, prayers
- Lay out clothes for older children to get dressed in the morning
8:00 pm
- Bedtime!!! We MADE IT
8:00 pm -10:00 pm
- Time to finish up cleaning/work – my uninterrupted time 🙂
- Write down plans for the next day
- Get ready for bed and prepare to do it all over again
10:00 – Bedtime!
- Rinse and Repeat
Click here to download this free stay-at-home mom schedule printable.
If I really need to get something done for work, I’ll get up earlier in the morning and do it before the kids wake up, but this is a typical day for us.
I also want to start working out again, but in the meantime, I’ll do double duty and use the time taking the kids to the park for my exercise for the day (make sure you give yourself credit for that; it counts!)
I’ll update a dedicated exercise timeline once I start one AGAIN (do you know the struggle?)
Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter with over 10,000 moms to get updated on the latest stay-at-home mom jobs, business tips, and more!
With the schedule above, I get about 5 hours of work time in a day, interrupted, of course, until at night.
Here are 5 important things I HIGHLY recommend you do as a stay-at-home mom to help with your schedule:
1. Use curbside pick-up for groceries: Instead of going to the grocery store, I order my groceries online and pick them up. This has also saved me money from random impulse purchases. Some places charge a fee, but to me, it’s worth it. Doing this has allowed me to see what I don’t have at home and only buy what’s needed. You can’t beat the convenience of grocery shopping like this with kids.
2. Create a cleaning routine: I LOVE having a clean house; it just helps ease my mind when it’s clean; one less thing I have to do. But with kids, it’s a CONSTANT, never-ending battle. Some days I just give up, but most days, when I have the energy, I include the kids in my cleaning routine. Related article: Check out my Barbie Storage ideas. My kids are only 4 and 6, but they have household chores. I have them help me do a load of laundry (they fold the towels), and at night I try and make them go over each room with me to make sure it’s clean.
3. Create a to-do list: I live by my to-do list. I use a Google Doc to keep track of everything I need to do; that way, if I’m on my phone or computer, I can refer to it. Throughout the day, when I think of something I need to do, I add it to my to-do list. If it’s not on my to-do list, it doesn’t get done… Every night before I go to bed, I go over my to-do list, and I write out what needs to happen the next day. This gives me a clear understanding of what I need to do when I wake up in the morning.
4. Consider a meal subscription plan or meal planning: I don’t like to cook; I cook because I have to. Coming up with what to eat every day is one of the things I dread most. I’ve tried a number of meal subscription plans and finally found a great match. This is the only one that stuck around past the first free week. I absolutely love it, I have less stress trying to think about what to cook, and the meals are really good. Meal planning is another great way to save you time and money. Take away the stress of figuring out what to eat for dinner.
5. Take advantage of hand-me-downs (gently worn clothing from friends/family): My kids are constantly growing, and another thing I don’t like to do is worry about what they are going to wear. I have made it VERY clear to friends and family that when their children can no longer fit their clothes, mine will be waiting for them. I say it jokingly, but I’m so serious. And trust me, moms don’t want a lot of clothes their kids can’t fit at home. They are always so happy to pass them along, so I rarely go shopping for new clothes.
Being a working mom is NOT easy, but when you have a schedule and the kids know what to expect throughout the day, it does make things easier.
I schedule work that requires a lot of focus early in the morning because that’s when I have the most motivation. Starting the day with a new chance to improve in all areas of my life is a gift that I don’t take lightly.
If you’re a new mom, this schedule may differ a bit, but select what works best for you and try sticking to it because it will help you make a habit out of it, and that’s the goal.
I also try to limit how much screen time my kids have; this has been a life saver many times for me, but when I make them turn it off, they end up having so much random fun together.
I hope this stay-at-home mom schedule will be something that can help you as much as it has helped me.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions regarding a good stay at home mom schedule
What is a good schedule for a stay-at-home mom?
A good schedule for a stay-at-home mom is a structured schedule that allows room for change. Kids thrive on routine, but it’s good to be flexible and expects that sometimes there will be changes in your schedule. Kids are unpredictable, and you don’t want to be so committed to following a schedule that it messes up your day if things don’t go according to plan.
You have to give yourself grace. Some days will be better than others. Just remember our friend Annie’s song, “Tomorrow is only a dayyyy a wayyy.” There is always tomorrow to get things done.
What do stay-at-home moms do with time?
Stay at home moms have a very tough yet rewarding job that typically consists of cleaning, cooking, laundry, taking care of household business (groceries, bills, extra-curricular events, doctor appointments, etc.), and not to mention the school and all the activities that go along with it, not very much time to relax.
In a nutshell, we get stuff done. Whatever it is, we get it done.
How often should a stay-at-home mom get a break?
Stay-at-home moms should take a break multiple times a day. Being on call 24/7 can be exhausting. I personally sit down and take breaks throughout my day; your body will let you know when it’s time, be sure to be on alert and take a rest when you get the prompt to break.
How do stay-at-home moms avoid burnout?
Stay-at-home moms can avoid burnout by getting help. Taking some time for yourself is not only helpful, but it’s necessary. You have to try and break up the monotonous days for not only yourself but to be a better mom to your kids. A great way to get a break is to summon a qualified sitter, a trusted family member, or a close friend with good rapport with you and your kids. This will not only give you a break, but your kids will enjoy the freedom that comes with this temporary overseer.
Setting a bedtime for your kids and keeping them on a routine is vital (keep in mind the time you set will be tried and tested with every excuse known to man but stick to your plan unless, of course, there is a real emergency). You must provide yourself with a pattern of peace and quiet. You need some time to regroup and allow yourself some “uninterrupted time.”
Read next: 25 stay-at-home mom jobs that moms are doing today. I do #1, and I LOVE it! How do you find stay-at-home mom jobs? This is the question I asked myself when I was 4 months pregnant with my second child and ready to make that transition from my 9 to 5…
Hello Whitney, I have been following you for awhile. I remember it was when I wanted to start blogging (probably about over a year ago). However, I have not finished my lblog yet 🙁 I was stuck, but I am still working on it. It’s clearer now. Thanks for your knowledge. I love this article a lot. You know, I never understand how you can finish your works with 3 children. I have only one 9 months girl, and I don’t know how I can make time for myself 😂