How to Quickly Grow Social Media Followers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and your Email List & Make Money!
Do you want real Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter Followers? I’m sure your answer is YES. Have you tried the ‘follow for a follow’ technique? Well, Stop!
You want people to follow you because they like your content, not because you’re doing each other a favor. Trust me; this will help you in the long run.
I get 99% of my traffic from Pinterest, so that’s what I’ll focus on in this post, but this method can be applied to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even Email Subscribers.
A lot of people place a lot of focus on their Instagram and Pinterest following, so here’s how you get followers without having to follow others.
This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.
How to Grow Social Media Followers Organically
I get Pinterest followers for one main reason and that’s because of:
and below I’ll tell you how this is the EASIEST way to make money through their affiliate program.
I signed up for Milotree May 5, 2018, with 350 followers and now I have WELL over that. When I first signed up for Milotree I gained 72 followers in the first 7 days!
Update: You can see how many followers I have now, I can’t believe how fast I got them. I really wonder why more people don’t talk about this.
I had a post go viral the other day and because of Milotree, I gained 111 followers in one day!
I launched my blog January 20, 2018, with 0 followers; if I had signed up with Milotree earlier I would have had way more followers than I do now 🙁
Don’t make the same mistake.
So what is Milotree? If you have visited someone’s website and seen a popup like this:
This is what Milotree does, creates a pop-up on your website with an objective to convert your website visitors into followers.
Think about it, when someone visits your website they are only there to read an article based on your advertisement.
They are not thinking, “Hey, I like this content let me follow them for more content like this.” People need a reminder, and Milotree does that.
Gaining Pinterest followers is important.
The more Pinterest followers you have, the greater the chances of increasing your website traffic, and credibility.
As a new blogger, I’m beginning to understand the importance of capturing people who have visited my site because if I don’t, they may be gone forever.
Yes, they could have signed up to my mailing list, but many people don’t like making that commitment. Following someone on Pinterest seems less invasive.
When I create new pins or share some of my older pins (for older posts) to my boards my followers see that, it’s almost better than an email subscriber because I only talk about new stuff with my subscribers.
Now that you know the importance of Milotree let me show you how this is the EASIEST Affiliate Program to make MONEY!
Have you ever heard of Affiliate Marketing? If not, it’s referring people to a product or service and collecting a commission if they make a purchase from your link.
Related: See how this Mom makes $6,000/mo from 6 affiliate partners
This is how you make money from Milotree, BUT it’s even easier than THAT.
Sign up for their affiliate program (everyone gets accepted) here. Your account should be approved within 24 hours, and then you will have access to your affiliate dashboard.
Add your affiliate link to the “Powered by MiloTree” link at the bottom of your popup through the MiloTree’s website under settings (see highlighted area below for reference).
This way every time someone sees your popup and clicks the link and purchases, you make $20.
You are not even trying to convince anyone to use MiloTree, and you still make money.
This is how I found out about MiloTree; visiting someone’s website and seeing the pop-up. At the time I knew I needed to increase my Pinterest following, so I signed up for MiloTree.
I don’t even recall the website I was visiting when I clicked, but they made a profit from me.
The affiliate cookie lasts for 30 days – this means that someone could click your affiliate link, and make a purchase up to 30 days later, and it would still be credited to you! This gives your readers time to check it out and decide if it’s in the budget for them or not.
I haven’t seen an easier affiliate program than this. To sign up for MiloTree, it costs $9 a month, and you can use my affiliate link here to purchase (let’s help each other out).
The first 30 days is FREE so you can see if you get an increase in followers and if it’s worth it to pay. Doesn’t get much better than that.
By joining their affiliate program, you may not have to pay anything, as you may get a return on your investment in affiliate sales.
Final Thoughts
Now that you know about MiloTree, you can get followers without following others. Let people follow you because they want to, not because they are just doing you a favor.
Don’t wait to purchase MiloTree and make the same mistake I made, sign up for MiloTree and increase your following Today!
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How to Increase your Traffic using Pinterest
How to find group boards and determine if you should pin to them
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I love Milotree. It is one of the best things I’ve done since starting my blog. I thoroughly recommend it too! I’ve scheduled your pin and I’m about to sign up. There is so much information out there about beginning a blog but yours is the only one that I’ve found mentioning Milotree. You’ve got a loyal subscriber here. Thank you.
Awesome! Thank you
Hi Max, I had not heard of Milotree, I will have to check that one out. I love using Tailwind Tribes for Pinterest, it’s really increased my traffic from it. I found you via Content Viral Bee 🙂 Thanks for the tips and have a great day!
Thank you Lisa, I use Tailwind Tribes as well it’s a great way to gain more exposure!
I haven’t seen this used before. I’m afraid pop up are annoying to viewers. especially on mobile. what do you think? I wish milotree had a free trial. I sort of want to see it in action on my website but my marketing budget is tied up elsewhere.
Hi Alicia, I do agree that pop-ups can be annoying to viewers (even me) but remember that the viewer is on your site for a reason based on how you advertised your blog post, so they want to read what you have. If they don’t want to follow you they can simply click the “close” button and continue to read your article. I just can’t get over how many followers I’m getting daily, after signing up May 5 I’ve gained 196 followers so it can’t be that annoying :-). There is a Free trial, you have to give your credit card information but the first 30 days is free and you can cancel anytime.
I have never heard of Milotree before! Might have to look into it. Thanks for the info!
No problem, I can’t believe more people don’t talk about this considering how it has drastically increased my following.
I love Milo tree and can’t wait to get it implemented. I’ve had it on my wishlist for a while!
Yes! It’s totally worth it, I wish I knew about this sooner.
I’ve never heard of this! Definitely something I’ll look into.
Awesome, and it’s quite frankly the easiest way to make money.
I signed up -a couple of weeks ago. I look forward to seeing what happens!
Awesome, this combined with my Pinterest strategy is the reason for my dramatic increase in followers.
Great Post! I think I’ll give Milotree a try and see what kind of results I get. You can never have enough Pinterest followers. Thanks for the info!
I agree, let me know how it works for you!
Great post , Thanks for all these great pointers
Thank you and no problem 🙂
My blog is just 1 month n fews weeks old and I barely have 200 followers on pinterest. Do you think milotree will work 4 me since I don’t have much visitors on my blog yet?
I’m also still figuring out Pinterest as a traffic source. It’s not helping me out yet.
You are doing great with followers if you have almost 200 for just blogging a little over a month. I think Milotree will definitely help increase your following, you want to capture the people who visit your site now not later because they may never come back. See how I use Pinterest to gain traffic here and if you have any other questions, please let me know. I’m finally figuring this all out, and I’m happy to share.
Big fan of engagement Max, and sharing other folk’s content. Doing these things on the regular allowed me to simply make more friends and with more friends I began to simply get more followers. Not too comfy process at first because I focused on numbers but eventually I started to focus on each human being I was connecting with and befriending. That’s when the follower counts really began to jump smoothly and exponentially.
That’s awesome, I have found the same thing to be true! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for your amazing post about MiloTree! I can’t tell you how happy I am that it is working so well for you! If you ever have any questions or feedback please reach out to me at [email protected]. 🙂
I have never heard of Milotree. Definitely going to look into this!
Yes, I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.
I’ve never heard of Milotree but will certainly be checking it out now.
I hope it works as well for you as it has for me.
I’m trying to increase my blog traffic and improve my social media presence, so this is extremely helpful! I hadn’t heard of MiloTree before so I really appreciate this post.
No problem, glad I could help 🙂
I haven’t heard of this before! Very interesting! I might have to do a 30-day trial!
Yes, you have to try it there is no harm in seeing how it works for you.
I have seen these pop ups and wondered how to get them! Now I know. Perfect! I’m hoping to do the free trial this month and see how it goes. I get a lot of followers to mg individual boards but not my Pinterest as a whole. How long after you started using it did you see an improvement?
Literally, right away, people are on your site for a reason and since I promote heavily on Pinterest they probably found my site from Pinterest so it makes sense for them to follow me since they like what I wrote. Try the free trial, you’ve got nothing to lose.
I never understood the whole thing about followers on Pinterest. Can you explain it to me. I often see where pinterest notifies me a person liked what I pinned (I simply saved what I saw on Pinterest). Can I take advantage of Milo Tree and others like it to just do affiliate marketing or do I have to do a blog?
If you have a blog followers are very important because they get to see the articles you write. If you’re on Pinterest you’ll notice whenever you click on a pin it will take you to a blog article. This is how many bloggers get people to come to their website. In order to use Milotree you must have a website and that is the only way it will work. If you need help getting a website started, let me know.
Wow this sounds Awesome! I will need to follow you on Pinterest for more info like this.
I’m just afraid this won’t do me any good yet because I don’t have any traffic on my blog. I have almost 40 posts so far, but no sign of any clicks or traffic anywhere. Maybe once I get some readers I will be able to use this!
What do you write about? Have you read my article on how I use Pinterest to drive traffic to my site? I hope that can help you gain some traffic.
Thanks so much for sharing about Milotree – I had no idea it existed! I just signed up and put the code on my website; looking forward to seeing the results. I love how they put ‘Recommended Pinner’ at the top of the pop-up. I remember seeing it a few months ago on someone’s website and thought “How did they become a ‘Recommended Pinner’? I want to be recommended!!” I forgot about it until now.
Awesome! And the best way to make even more money is to share the results with your friends and readers and encourage them to try it using your affiliate link. Personal experience always works the best with Affiliate Marketing.
I have never heard of this, I will surely give it a try. 🙂
Great, please let me know how it works for you!
Hi Max,
Great info here! Thanks so much. I would like to give it a try, but I am still struggling to get traffic to my site. You think it’s worth it to try now or wait a bit until I get some sort of traffic to my site? I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Have a great day!
Hi Maria, I’d say do it now because I’m sure you’re getting some traffic and you still want to capture those users because if you don’t, they may never have a reason to come back. You may not see the results I had as quickly but you should see some. Check out my article on how I get traffic from Pinterest hopefully this helps
I haven’t heard of MiloTree before, based on your post and some comments i think it’s worth a try. I just started my blog and definitely will be needing like this one.
Thanks for sharing.
No problem, I say it’s so worth it and the best part is that you can try the free trial for a month to see if it’s getting you the results you want.
I will definitely be doing some research into Milotree! I am a brand new blogger, just stared my site last week, and need all the growing tips I can get! Thank you so much for the helpful advise.
Great, and with the new Pinterest changes taking away the “follow” button it gives you even more reason to check out Milotree. I wish you all the best in your new site, you’ll love it.
I really appreciate your post, Max! I felt like I had read almost all that there is about blogging (at least it feels that way) and a lot of the blogging advice seems to be the same. You are the first blogger to share information about Milo Tree and I can’t thank you enough. My blog is 4 months old and my focus right now is on growing my traffic. I am excited to see what growth occurs! Perfect timing for me to find your blog:-)
Thank you so much, this means a lot. I wish you all the success in this awesome world of blogging!
First time to hear about Milotree, looks very promising
It is, let me know how it works for you. I suggest doing the free trial.
Hi Max,
It’s my first time reading your post. And I have a truck-load of information to definitely try out.
This is great content and I will be sharing.
Thank you.
Thank you!
I can’t believe you gained that much following from implementing this one strategy! I’m definitely gonna check it out! Thanks for sharing!
No problem, definitely try the free version to see how it works for you.
Hi Max,
I’m a newbie blogger, literally launched at the beginning of January so I’m really enjoying learning from more experienced bloggers like yourself. Thanks for sharing about MiloTree, I’ll be signing up for the free trial and affiliate program. Love your blog content, keep up the great work!
Thank you so much and welcome to the community 🙂
I started my blog about a month ago (, but really haven’t done anything with it yet until recently. A quick google search for help and a wealth of info was received all from your site. Thank you for making this so quick, easy and painless! For newbies, it is really easy to get discouraged if you have no clue what you’re doing. You have so much information on here. I went ahead and signed up for MiloTree. I’m very excited to see if that will boost traffic and gain a bit of exposure. Im not 100% sure if I am using it correctly, but we will see. I added the IG, FB and Pinterst info so we will see.
Thanks again for all the information. Now, on to figuring out the world of SEO’s!
Awesome! Let me know if you have any questions.