6 Realistic Ways You Can Avoid Being a Bored Stay at Home Mom
Are you at a point in your life where you’re just like, I’m a bored stay at home mom, or does the redundancy cause you to be bored at home with your baby?
No need to feel guilty.
I know taking care of your amazing kid(s), cooking, cleaning every day, ALL DAY, should give you enough to do, right? (in my most sarcastic voice) The monotony of it all can just become quite frankly, boring.
It’s okay to have these feelings because these feelings are REAL!
I’m a stay-at-home mom and I GET IT! However, there are some things that I have found to be really helpful that prevent me from using those words, so I hope these tactics can help you because I know they work for me.
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Here are my 6 tips on how you can prevent being a bored stay at home mom
Bored stay at home mom ideas
1. Get a Hobby
Leaving my corporate job was a huge decision. I was in unchartered territory when I became a stay-at-home-mom. Determined to prevent boredom as well as help out financially, I searched and found out how to make money working from home with my kids. It was challenging but I eventually found work that was flexible enough to do during nap time, early mornings, or at night.
I decided on blogging and it has worked out really well for me. I’ve even had people approach me about purchasing my blog, and to be honest, I don’t care if they wanted to give me a billion dollars (seriously) BECAUSE this has given me a sense of identity outside of being just mom. I’ve learned a long time ago that money isn’t everything.
If you want to see how I do what I do and check out my list of other stay at home mom jobs, you can check that out here.
Working from home is not easy with kids, but it’s definitely doable and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I were just a stay-at-home mom and didn’t work from home I would ABSOLUTELY be bored and I love spending time with my kids.
Consider when the kids get older, what are we supposed to do then if we’re giving all of ourselves to them now? You don’t want to lose yourself during these golden years.
Hobbies for stay at home moms exist, you just have to find one that works for you.
Related article: 12 Best Jobs for Moms
2. Plan Out Your Days
If you do the same thing every day all day, of course, you’re going to get bored so try mixing up your weekly schedule with setting up play-dates, going to the park, gym, library, chick-fil-a :-), or grocery shopping just to name a few.
I love to plan out my days the night before so I have something to look forward to the next day and feel like I’ve accomplished something. When I don’t have any plans for the day, it can have an effect on my mood, so try and do something if you can.
3. Find your tribe
Not everyone is blessed to have friends who are at the same stage of life you’re in. I have many married friends but some don’t have kids, and they just don’t get what life is like with kids and especially being a stay at home mom.
I’ve found my tribe in Facebook groups like Stay at Home Moms: Adulting together and a local moms facebook group. I love these groups because these moms “get it”, it’s a no-judgment zone place to just vent about our daily lives.
One of the moms posted a hilarious story about her daughter talking so much she thought something might be wrong. Like her daughter literally talks all day about everything, she gave the example about how she even describes her cereal when eating “oh so crunchy and sweet, and how cool and fresh the milk is.” I just had to laugh because I could totally see this happening and we just encouraged her that it’s totally normal and there’s nothing to worry about, chatty Cathy is just fine :-).
Just reading through the Facebook threads is like therapy knowing I’m not alone in this motherhood/stay-at-home mom journey and I learn so much from the other moms it’s so worth joining and entertaining.
4. Get out without the kids
It’s the craziest thing but when I FINALLY get to go out without the kids I somehow feel guilty. Does that ever happen to you?
The good part is that the mom-guilt doesn’t stay too long because I soon realize how bad I needed that break. When you’re planning out your days, try and plan at least one day to do something by yourself even if it means just going grocery shopping.
The idea of doing something by yourself is enough to look forward to, self-care is so important. I love how T’era Burton put it, Self-care is not me first but it’s me too.
5. Plan Date Nights
I love the idea of date nights, but in reality, at my house anyway, it happens very seldom. I met a couple that hang out every Friday for their date night. I told them I thought that was so nice (trying my best not to show my envy).
This is a great way to get rid of the boredom if you have a date night planned, even if it’s once a month, it’s something to look forward to and gives you the ability to plan your outfit and hairstyle. Scrolling through Instagram keeps me busy for hours.
Because this doesn’t happen often, make the best out of it and make him remember why he chose you.
6. Join a gym
I became a stay at home mom so I didn’t have to put my kids in daycare, but there’s something different about the kid center at my gym that makes other people watching my kids okay…maybe it’s because I can go sneak in on them at any given time and look through the window to see if they’re alright.
I’m not one who enjoys exercising but doing things like Zumba and taking a hip hop class at the gym puts me in a zone like I can’t explain.
I realize joining a gym may not be in your budget but that’s why you should consider the various avenues to make money from home with kids so you can add this into the budget. It’s so worth it, we NEED an outlet.
Final thoughts about being a bored stay at home mom
I can’t stress enough the importance of having something of your own, some creative outlet to help you stimulate your mind. Being “mom” is such a vital role to play in a child’s life but if you’re not happy it’s going to show, so keep in mind, this is not only for you but for your kids too.
Personally, and on a daily basis, I talk to God about everything. I realize there are differing opinions about Jesus but I know for myself, this relationship with Him has KEPT my mind and I have peace!
I’m telling you, if you only knew the thoughts that come to my mind I’d probably be in the crazy house, I’m so happy to know that I can CHOOSE whether I let these thoughts that come to my mind fester and build a life of their own or cast them down immediately and not give them any room to grow. We have the power to do this through Jesus Christ.
Even just talking to Him about my problems. There was a time that I was LIVID at my husband about something and instead of telling my girlfriends, I just talked to God about it. And I’m so glad I did because later that day I ended up talking to my husband and we just had a total misunderstanding. I think back to that day and I know if I would have told my girlfriends, that story would live on in their minds forever. Talking with God is such a safe place.
If you ever want to talk more about this feel free to DM me or let’s just connect on Instagram and go through this crazy yet rewarding journey of motherhood together.
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Let me know in the comment section which tip you think works best for you.
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